David Less

David Less is a well-renowned global teacher of meditation, community building, conscious capitalism, and planetary interconnectedness. He has lived in Indonesia, India, China, Turkey, and even his hometown of New York City. He uses his natural talents and training in the material, emotional, and spiritual realms to awaken perspectives in the people and companies he works with that are out of the usual cause-and-effect, and more inclusive than the traditional hierarchical model.

He is the CEO of David Less Tours, LTD., a 30 year old tour company that creates private journeys to unusual places around the world. He was the founder of Genie Bottles Inc., which became the largest distributor of hand-blown perfume bottles in the world, He was Director of the Whole Heart section of WholePlanet.com, a subsidiary of Whole Foods, which was a forerunner to many of today’s social media sites. When Whole People was absorbed back into Whole Foods, he worked with John Mackey, CEO of Whole Foods, to create visioning processes for the future, a role he continues to fulfill to this day.

David Less’ book Universal Meditation is in its 4th printing, with a revised edition coming out in June of 2013, and which is currently translated into French, German, Turkish, and Chinese. In 2001, David founded Rising Tide International, a spiritual center in Sarasota, Florida, and when not teaching there he teaches seminars in America, Canada, Europe, and Asia.

David was a co-founder, and now Board member of The Hope Project India, a thriving social program in a New Delhi slum offering schooling for over 800 children too poor to attend public schools, a free medical clinic with 44,000 patient visits per year, a micro-credit financing program with over 900 participating women, an extensive network of social workers, two mobile medical clinics, and vocational training programs for all ages.

Twelve years ago, David founded the Abrahamic Reunion a group of 18 major spiritual luminaries from Judaism, Islam and Christanity who work together to encourage religious harmony and a creative spiritual vision for peace in the Holy Land. The Abrahamic Reunion functions as a living example of using religion as a force for peace in our world.

David brings a practiced artistry and real-world approach to connect organizations with what energizes people and what gets them to engage, commit, and grow healthy relationships and sustainable communities. Time and again he’s created platforms that move people that bring them to embrace all perspectives of a situation, group and self.

His teachings in the 80s and 90s about the reality of worldwide inter-connectivity have proven visionary in today’s global society. David’s current ideas of unity without uniformity, global interdependence, and the evolving human being represent the forward thrust of human evolution.